“Finding yourself”

IMG_2315.jpgRecently i have realised something, there are a lot of people around on the quest of finding themselves, it is made out to be a gallant act of self improvement and enlightenment. So, being me, i stopped, and thought, as well as questioned and have come to the conclusion that most valiant knights on this never ending odyssey, when asked “what does finding yourself actually mean?”have as much of an idea of who they are as what the answer to the question is…

Now, I’m an average person, i will confess i do believe in the “weird spirituality stuff”, “reincarnation” “journeys” etcetera and some may agree and some may not agree with my views – whether you do, or don’t, i think everything should be challenged and if not challenged then at least thought about before snubbed. I would put narrow-minded in a very close proximity to stupidity as one of the worlds worst problems.

So, heres how i see it – finding who you are is a life long process, you can’t know yourself, you change because things change, people change, circumstances change, you are who you are in that exact moment in time and that is all it ever will be – is that moment, until the next one comes along. It is these moments that define us and keep defining us until the day we die – there is no knowing yourself, theres understanding yourself, knowing is absolute and in life there is just no such thing.

Understanding who you are is understanding how you react, understanding your emotions, understanding that only you make you feel the way you do. You are in control of who you are, and once you realise this you will have found what you are looking for.

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